School Work

Royalty Free RF Clip Art Illustration Of A Heart Facing A Real Heart by ZoocoWho we are? 

This was our first Unit of Inquiry for the school year.  We explored the five major body systems (i.e. muscular, skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous).  Over the six week unit of inquiry we explored what we already knew about our body systems, we read books on the various systems, drew our body system diagram, researched the systems and their functions on the internet.  Additionally, we had homework assignments that entailed measuring pulse rates, doing crossword puzzles about body parts, word searches of body parts amongst other things.  The final product was to create a poster board presentation of their body systems and then to act as the expert and answer questions about their body systems.  The students enjoyed creating a posterboard presentation and were very proud!!!!


The students are broken into small groups of three in which each group has different tasks.  Two groups are engaged in some form of a game (i.e. dice game, doubles, addition tables) and one group are working on math games on the lab top. 

The two websites listed are what the students are currently working on.  Take a look with your child and get an idea into what they are able to do. or   


Every morning we read a story in class and have a question answer session to assess comprehension.  Furthermore, we have library time once per week in which each student is required to get an appropriate book to read at their own level.  Next, we have individual work such as crossword puzzles, word searches, and labtop time to increase spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension of what they are learning.  Each student also keeps their own word dictionary so when they do not know spelling or meaning of a word I document it in their word dictionary so they are able to reference it. 


A packet of homework goes home each Monday in their homework packet and is to be returned completed on Friday.  The homework assignments are a compilation of items we had reviewed the week before.  The assignments will vary each week.  They can be active assignments (i.e. taking pulse rate 3 different times per day), word searches, crossword puzzles, math, measurement, etc.  Please review the homework assignments weekly with your child and provide assistance where needed.  All assignments should be completed in their homework notebook.